To bolster their role as a leader in the neurological community, and elevate recognition with patients, our client Biogen sought to develop a corporate overbrand for the MS group. We jumped at the opportunity to work for the patients rather than the products. 

Over 16 months we learned that what people want most is to be able to enjoy their lives, celebrate the present, and focus on the positive aspects of life despite their MS. Our creative expression was called Life Is Bigger, a cinematic campaign illustrating real and deeply memorable life experiences, reminding patients of the world beyond their MS, and the importance of enjoying it. 

We tested our concepts around the world. A woman in Phoenix wept while urging our client to "be that company."  And we wept with her. We shot on top of a volcano in Hawaii, and in the cold canyons of Yosemite. A coyote stole our GoPro.



pulling it through: experiential

Trade shows really are all about being the coolest thing under the tent. We built a digital sky for our ‘Big World’ video and ambient tracks to create an epic, branded retreat in the middle of the floor.  


Media and digital storytelling

Our campaign went well beyond the trade show with a large scale digital media and out of home buy that ran for the program’s inaugural year.